24 June. Day 2. 10 sampling stations for sleeping beauty…

Vasily: We moved to Malen’ky and Elovsky underwater structures, located not so far from Selenga river delta, one of the most productive suppliers of sedimentary material into Baikal lake. Coring started at 6 am. The first day of real TTR. For most us today was mostly T (training) than R (research). A lot of operations have to be done again and again. Step by step everyone found their places and we became a team, improved our skills. We had to get used that mud is everywhere. It is on shoes, palms, clothes and sometimes even on face. Evening seminar, one of the traditions of Class@Baikal, today is especially hard for many of us, it is like a torture to keep your eyes open after long-long day.


Yesterday was just a game, because Today we have 10 coring stations to complete and each core will consist of three/four sections. Most of us wait for the end of the working day and hope that Grigorii will say “enough” – instead no, again and again he says – one more…

Finally, the day is over and there is a seminar by Adriano. It is really interesting, but how to fight against my closing eyes?