July 22th. The here and now.
Today our working day began earlier than usual. Everyone woke up at 7 am, and that was a number of reasons. At 8:00 we had to send our samples to Moscow laboratories and already at 15:00 our commission should come.
Our guests arrived when we had begun to protect the report. We were pleasantly surprised that not only our colleagues from the Institute of Limnology, but also comrades of Irkutsk National Research Technical University came to listen to us.
Presentation was held in a relaxed friendly atmosphere. We discussed the questions about resulta of our work. 3 hours passed quickly.
Applause, kind words, handshakes and warm friendly hug finished the 3rd Baikal expedition. Class @ Baikal officially came to an end. During the work of the expedition were selected 180 meters of sediment (92 stations), 464 samples of gas samples, 82-board profile profiler total length of 515 km. Of course, there is still a lot of work: tomography analysis, the study of the mineral composition, exploring gas geochemistry, conferences, etc. But now we are at the Lake Baikal and enjoy every minute of the rest of our trip. We hope that Baikal will take us again next year.
P.s. Отдельно мы хотели бы поблагодарить самых активных читателей нашего дневника, наиболее активно принимающих участие в нашей ежедневной викторины. Подарок для вас: