10th of July. The birthday of the captain.
«The first after God»! It’s an immense effort and enormous responsibility to be the captain of nuclear submarine as well as to be the captain of a simple old vessel that is permeated with smell of fish and algae. The first after god for us in this expedition is the captain “G.U. Vereshagin” – Roman Bituskiy. Today he celebrates his 30th anniversary. The Class@Baikal team and the crew congratulates him and wish all the very best.
Roman has grown up at Baikal. He is glad that he’s chosen a profession of seaman. He thinks that the work can’t be difficult for those who do it with a pleasure and who is capable to fulfill all the duties. He’s been the captain of the research vessel “G.U. Vereshagin” since autumn. Previously he was the assistant of the captain at “German Titov” that is owned by the fleet of LIN SO RAS (Irkutsk) as well as “G.U. Vereshagin”.

And, of course, in the end of the day there was a salute in his honor – seismic shooting with an airgun “Pulse-0.5”! After finishing SSS survey the participants of the expedition started to test seismoacoustic equipment. A specific system consisting of 24 gas balloons was lodged onboard. And just before the dinner almost 1 cubic meter of gas was released in water. Boom, boom, boom – Happy birthday, dear captain!
The celebration ended with hard work – uplift of 750 meter seismic streamer on the board. It wasn’t easy, it took a long time but team work unites people.

The educational part of the day included the lecture by Chlystov O.M. on geology of Baikal Lake and distribution of gas-gydrates in this area – “Geology of hydrate-bearing structures of the Baikal”.
Tomorrow we’ll have a new survey area and new results.