15 august. Optimization of the expedition

Yesterday storm is a not so bad thing. It gifted to us some extra working time for preparation of the cruise report. It was a reason why we got ready at morning to intensive work. After breakfast we had already taken 3 cores! Today we continued studying the Krasnoyarski landslide area.

 For three days young researches became young marine geologists. Everybody understood almost everything in core sampling-describing-degasation-measuring-etc. cycle. It helped to organized much optimized “machine” of science. Everybody has own place in “machine”. It is so great! Because it is faster!

 Tonight we had a lecture of Loktev Andrey about permafrost and engineering risks in offshores. Solovieva Marina told to us about tomorrow plans. So.. We must collect 11 cores tomorrow! Tomorrow we will start beating our records!


Belyaeva Alina.