14th of July. At the end of each path there is a new one.

When the dawn came tests of seismoacoustic profiling system continued. Dmitrij and Albert were lodging (for them it’s already became a daily routine) a digital seismic streamer – the cutting edge technology that, for some reason, didn’t work in a decent way during the whole expedition at Baikal. Nastia was analyzing registered data interactively and didn’t lose the hope till the last moment. And only Anatolij Vasilievich, our honoured “airgin man”, was calm. The compression system and the aigun (he was responsible for this equipment), worked properly.
But again the streamer won. The tests had to be finished. Seismic team that had already been quite hungry at the end of the morning experiment joined the other participants, who were having breakfast.
The research vessel took the direction to the lagoon in the pad’ Suhaya near the cape Golden Scarp and the participants of the expedition got to the one of the most picturesque places at Baikal. The research team were transferred to the shore on boat. On the shore this place looked even picturesque. Among the trees, a bit farther from the common tourist spots, there are wood sculptures of local shaman idols - of a woman and a man. They are made of massive wood (лиственница) and are colored with bright colors. This place is very interesting for visiting. We definitely recommend!