
July 13th.Gas rising in the deep lake water and sediments flying in the air!

After a very short night, were are woken up at 6:50 am by the ship’s radio station announcing with load music the first corer of the day. For the second day in a row, a lot of coring stations are planned in the Krasniy Yar seep area and the chief of expedition will not allow any delay.


July 11th

Today is the third day of our wonderful expedition. Our scientific ship named after G.Y.Vereschagin worked in the region of the “Hurai” deep-water sedimentary system. Our team has been exploring this geological structure for the past 2 years using gravity cores. 

About the Class@Baikal-2016 expedition

The Third International student expedition of the Class@Вaikal project will be carried out in the water of Baikal Lake in the period from 9 to 23 July 2016. Traditionally this training-and-research cruise will be organized onboard the research vessel “G.Yu. Vereschagin», which is considered already as home-base of the Baikalian Floating University. During the expedition the students of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), both new ones and those who have participated in the previous cruises, will continue “training-through-research” of unique geological processes on the bottom of the lake under a supervision of MSU tutors and scientists of Limnologocal Institution of SB RAS. New participants of the expedition will get acquainted with modern methods of geological, geophysical and geochemical studies of bottom sediments, will be trained how to work with the equipment. The students, who took part in the cruises of Class@Вaikal-2014 and/or Class@Вaikal-2015, will continue their research works, already with some professional specialization on certain areas and scientific tasks.

In the same manner like during the First and Second expeditions every day the participants will prepare and upload on the special website the illustrated report on the works carried-out during the day and on a life onboard RV “G.Yu. Vereschagin». Also, traditionally, during the expedition, daily scientific and training lectures and seminars will be organized onboard the ship. All materials of lectures and seminars will appear on our website every day.

Class@Baikal 2016

The Third expedition of the Class@Baikal Project is in preparation now. The cruise will be carried out from 9 to 23 July 2016.
Information about the cruise will be posted soon onto relevant pages of this web-site
In the meantime we suggest you to inquire (or recall) for Class@Baikal events and achievements on the pages of 2015 and 2014.
We appreciate very much your interest to our project!
Sincerely yours, Class@Baikal Team
